In his third installment of Can’t Stress This Enough, a segment Dr. Fadok has been contributing to Psychology Today, he writes about the importance of the vagus nerve in stress responses and how...
On Friday our Post-Doc, Chandu (Left), presented "Divergent central amygdala projections in defensive response regulation in mice" at the 2024 Pavlovian Society Conference in Indianapolis. The...
This past week, Dr. Fadok presented for the Affective Learning Across the Frontal Cortex panel during the Circuits for Complex Behavior Across the Lifespan - Gordon Research Conference held by the...
Undergraduate seniors Owen Brown (right) and JP Ott (left) presented their funded Summer research at the TURN poster presentation. Many other labs as well as interested students attended and listened...
Dr. Jonathan Fadok started The Fadok Lab at Tulane in 2017 after completing his postdoctoral fellowship with Andreas Luthi at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research in Basel...
We are sad to see our undergraduate seniors leave Tulane, but, it is not without celebration of their accomplishments and hard work. We know that they will thrive in their future endeavors and we will...
This Saturday the lab gathered for an annual roasting of food, playing games, and enjoying the afternoon! We applaud everyone for their hard work this year and celebrate our graduating seniors.
Undergraduates Paul Stolin (Left), Chloe Friedman (Center), JP Ott (Right), and Owen Brown (not pictured); present posters detailing their work in the lab at NTC.
Despite Tulane being right next door to Loyola, this was Dr. Fadok's first time presenting to the Loyola community. His presentation discussed findings in the lab's most recent paper which was...